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How Boulo: Accelerated a Law Firm’s Hiring Success Rate, Finding Top Talent in Record Time

Emergencies arise in business, creating an immediate need to fill a position to keep operations moving. Traditional job boards fill roles in 23 days on average, while Boulo can fill your role in five days with top talent. Duell Law had an immediate need to fill, so they came to Boulo after turning to other sources without success. Read the case study below to see how we solved their hiring problem.

The Challenge

Duell Law specializes in franchise law, an industry that experiences high seasons and is highly regulated by the federal government.  Duell Law lost their administrator just before their annual high season, and Sarah Relfe, EVP of Operations, needed a highly skilled administrator fast!  She wanted a professional who was highly organized and able to understand the big picture of the firm’s operations.  Additionally, it was key to find talent who had the ability to work through complex documents and discern where to make changes. “This role is a critical factor to our firm’s operations and greatly impacts the bottom line. I knew this would be hard to find until I reached out to Boulo,” Sarah Relfe, EVP Operations.

The Solution

In her 30 years of operations, Sarah has never hired through a staffing firm.  She has always hired through word of mouth, but she needed a resource fast. After researching our site and talking to our team, she knew Boulo truly understood what she needed.  Sarah spoke with Jeanne on January 15, and she scheduled three interviews just a few days later.  Sarah offered the job to Trish M. on January 21, and Trish started the next day. We were able to fill the role in five days! “I was so impressed to see such great talent right from the start,” says Sarah, “and Trish came in and was effective on day one.  We got it all!”

The Result

Trish’s expertise allowed Duell Law to get through their peak season successfully.  They met their deadlines with excellence, exceeding their clients’ needs.  Here’s what Sarah said about Trish’s contributions, “Trish made a positive impact from the start.  She has a great attitude, strong work ethic, and out-of-the-box problem solving skills. She immediately stepped in and started working efficiently and effectively.  Within a month, she grasped the complexity of our environment.  The experience we have had working with Boulo and onboarding Trish has been easy and stress free.”

With Boulo’s 360• vetting process, role calibration exercise and pool of highly qualified diverse candidates, we can fill your role in five days with little effort on your part. Meaning that instead of losing productivity while you try to fill a role on your own, you gain productivity with Boulo.

Schedule an appointment with our team or fill out an interest form to learn more.