As we continue to invest in technology, an innovative Best Match feature has been released on the Boulo platform. This enhancement offers customers a curated list of recommended candidates, prioritizing applicants by their percentage match. The feature showcases candidate skills versus only keyword matching with what is included on a resume. Delphine Carter, CEO and Founder of Boulo Solutions, explains, “This new feature provides customers with a pipeline of strong candidates and enables notifications to Boulo members with a high percentage match, streamlining the hiring process and saving valuable time with talent acquisition.”
The Boulo recruiting platform empowers companies to efficiently access diverse talent through a skills-based approach, promoting equitable hiring and discovering hidden talent often overlooked by other platforms. We facilitate smarter hiring decisions by providing a comprehensive 360° view of candidates’ expertise and core skills. With a talent pool of over 80,000 candidates and a record of hundreds of successful placements, we optimize hiring processes nationwide and reduce companies’ time-to-hire.
For more information on the Best Match feature and its benefits, please contact us for a personalized demonstration.