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How to Hire An Auditor in 6 Steps

Navigating the complexities of the financial landscape requires a vigilant eye and a skilled hand—qualities you shouldn’t compromise on when hiring an auditor.

You’ll need an auditor who is not just proficient but exemplary.

In this comprehensive guide, we present you with a blueprint that you can’t afford to ignore.

Here’s what we’ll guide you through:

Take the guesswork out of your hiring process, assure the financial integrity of your organization, and enact a strategy that results in hiring an auditor who is nothing short of the best. Let’s dive in.

Determine Job Descriptions of an Auditor

An auditor holds the key to your company’s financial transparency and integrity.

When you’re on the path to hire an auditor, it’s imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of the job description.

Determine Job Descriptions of an Auditor

Job Duties of an Auditor

Expect nothing less than a financial guardian angel – someone who conducts audits with precision.

  1. Assurance Engagements: They plan and execute reviews to validate financial statements.
  2. Supervision: Senior auditors guide junior associates, ensuring quality work.
  3. Client Communication: They maintain trust by managing daily client interactions and bridging communication gaps within the firm.
  4. Project Management: Organizing client tasks and adhering to timelines is vital.
  5. Reporting: Post-analysis, auditors present concise findings to stakeholders.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: They ensure financial records align with local and national regulations.

Job Requirements of an Auditor

To propel a business toward success, establishing financial accountability and transparency remains crucial, with auditors being central to this mission.

  • Education: The foundation often lies in a bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance. However, elevated roles might lean towards a master’s or specific certifications like CPA, CIA, CISA, or CFE.
  • Experience: Entry-level auditors usually have 1-3 years of experience, while executive roles often demand over 5 years.
  • Analytical Skills: Auditors must be adept at examining data and identifying anomalies.
  • Communication: They should convey findings clearly in both written and verbal forms.
  • Critical Thinking: Evaluating information objectively and making sound judgments is vital.
  • Attention to Detail: Precision is crucial.
  • Organizational Skills: Efficient tasks and time management are essential.
  • Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with relevant software tools, such as accounting and audit platforms, is needed.

Define the Job Level of an Auditor

Knowing precisely how to find an auditor who aligns with your organizational ethos is nothing short of a strategic advantage.

But before you hire an auditor, it’s crucial to review the job levels that lie within the auditing sphere.


Entry Level Auditor

Executive Auditor

Senior Auditor


1-3 years, focusing on basic tasks under supervision.

5-10 years, leading complex audits and mentoring juniors.

Over 10 years, directing overall audit strategy and collaborating with key organizational stakeholders.

Decision-making Authority

Limited; follows senior directives and presents findings for approval.

Moderate; makes decisions on audit objectives, criteria, and presents findings to management.

High; sets strategic decisions, approves audit plans, and ensures findings’ implementation.


$38,000 (according to PayScale, 2023)

$57,682 (based on Glassdoor, 2023)

$87,001 – $104,601 (as cited from Indeed, 2023)

Long-term Vision

Focus on skill enhancement and diverse audit experience.

Improve the organization’s audit function quality and reputation.

Deliver high-quality audit work and provide operational insights.

Decide the Pay Range for an Auditor Position

When preparing to hire an auditor, one of the primary considerations is determining a justifiable pay range.

Based on industry data, auditor salaries vary by experience, expertise, and role complexity. But remember, offering a competitive salary is about valuing their essential skill set. When you’re ready to hire an auditor, consider market trends and local cost of living to ensure a competitive and fair pay range.

In essence, when you decide to hire an auditor, you’re making an investment. An investment in the future stability and credibility of your financial operations.

Post Your Job on Boulo

A solid game plan requires a strong offensive strategy. With your auditor’s role and pay range set, the next step is choosing where to announce the opening.

Platforms like LinkedIn are popular, but Boulo offers a targeted approach that could be game-changing for your hiring strategy.

Key Points:

  • Boulo: Beyond traditional job boards, Boulo zeroes in on top-tier talent, including roles like Auditor. Post a job with Boulo to connect with ideal candidates.
  • Networking: Along with Boulo, tap into your professional network. Referrals can be gold.

Conduct an Interview

The resume is the trailer; the interview is the movie.

The interview process is your golden opportunity to discern between an average candidate and an exceptional one.

The right questions can guide your assessment.

Key Interview Questions

Here are interview questions that can make all the difference.

  1. Can you take me through your typical auditing workflow?
  2. Describe a situation where hard data was vital to justify your audit findings.
  3. How do you approach giving feedback that a client might find challenging to digest?
  4. Share an instance where you identified and addressed a fraudulent case. What was your course of action?
  5. Which software platforms have you worked with, and can you speak to your level of proficiency with them?
  6. Explain the core differences between internal and external audits.
  7. How do you ensure timely submission of audits in line with set deadlines?
  8. Describe the steps you undertake post-audit completion.

Remember, the objective is not just about ticking off the technical skill boxes but to ensure the candidate aligns with your company’s values and ethos. Choose with both heart and mind.

Make an Offer

Congrats, you’ve found your match. This isn’t the time to skimp or hesitate. Put forth an offer that screams, “We value you!”

Securing a top auditor requires a clear and compelling offer.

Here’s how to do it efficiently:

Make an Offer with an Auditor

  1. Determine Their Value: Research industry standards for their role and experience to propose a competitive package.
  2. Present a Clear Breakdown: List the salary, bonuses, benefits, and any additional perks concisely.
  3. Highlight Growth: Briefly mention potential advancement opportunities within the company.
  4. Flexibility: Touch on benefits like flexible hours or remote work, if available.
  5. Formalize with Documentation: Send a concise offer letter with key details: role, responsibilities, start date, and compensation.
  6. Be Open to Negotiate: Allow room for discussion on the offer’s components.
  7. Set a Response Time: Provide a reasonable deadline for their decision.
  8. Add a Personal Touch: A brief call expressing your team’s enthusiasm can make your offer stand out.
  9. Stay in Touch: Maintain communication until they officially join to ensure continued interest.

Crafting your offer with clarity and consideration sets the stage for a positive working relationship from the start and also for later years of a mutual working relationship.

FAQs on How to Hire an Auditor

No comprehensive guide is complete without addressing lingering questions. Let’s shed light on them.

How can I attract top auditing talent?

To get the best auditors, show what’s great about your company, its future plans, and the perks for auditors. Use specialized job boards for auditors and make sure the hiring process is quick and clear from start to finish.

When hiring auditors, always follow the law. This means understanding and following rules about fair hiring, checking an auditor’s background and qualifications, and keeping company secrets safe during the process.

How can I promote diversity?

For a diverse auditing team, create job descriptions that are accessible to all, advertise on a variety of job boards, apply anonymous resume reviews, and utilize standardized interviews.  Also, provide diversity education, initiate mentorship schemes, set specific diversity objectives, and cultivate an inclusive work environment.

Your Roadmap on How to Hire an Auditor

Mastering the art of how to hire an auditor is no small feat. You’re making a strategic hire that will impact your organization’s financial integrity for years to come.

This guide serves as your roadmap through every pivotal step, from crafting a compelling job description to making an irresistible offer. Now that you know how to hire an auditor, it’s time to take decisive action – Post a job with Boulo today, so we can amplify your reach, connecting you with top-tier auditing talent.

Your company’s financial health—and peace of mind—is worth it.

Ready to post a job?

How To Hire An Auditor

How To Hire An Auditor